Audio and Visual Storytelling

The recognizability and transversality of a brand today can also be ensured by a shrewd and valid declination of narrative solutions capable of eliciting emotions, participation and adherence, capturing the attention of audiences and consumers.

Audio and visual storytelling, thanks to immediacy, rapidity and empathyare today the key to a successful communication strategy that also relies on certain precise characteristics of the human psyche, which is able to absorb images 60,000 times faster than written content. Brand identity and a company’s core business, with an effective visual storytelling strategy, can reach the 92% of the world’s active population that watches videos online faster.

Radio, with its modern incarnation in the form of podcasts, remains in the public eye with its freshness, contemporaneity and charm.

Our team, composed of journalists, copywriters and experienced video makers and podcasters, has for years developed and produced audio and video services for businesses, trade associations, professional studios, hotels, the food sector, and popular documentary films.